Local Evangelism and Compassion

  • We desire to impact our own local communities, wherever we may live, with special focus on the Madison area of North Nashville. While long-term relationships are essential in bearing witness to the Gospel, God has also used meetings with strangers who "happened to be there" (Acts 17:17) to present the Gospel.
  • For this reason, we want to train and plan for evangelism that engages people we meet on a daily basis. We also desire to create relationships in our neighborhoods to strengthen Christians in the Gospel and reach the lost. This is a part of loving our neighbor as ourselves. 
  • We consider it a great privilege to come alongside brothers and sisters in established works that are already serving our community. Some of those ministries have included The Nashville Rescue Mission and Cottage Cove Urban Ministries. For further information about service opportunities in conjunction with each of these organizations, please visit their websites or shoot us an email! We would love to get you connected. 

  • Nashville Rescue Mission

    The Nashville Rescue Mission serves "the least of these" in the Nashville area in two primary ways: 1) by providing emergency services including hot meals, shelter for the homeless and battered and case management for those seeking permanent housing and employment 2) Life Recovery Program, a Gospel-centered, heart-oriented, addiction rehabilitation program. Interested in helping? Contact Ben Grady at bengrady86@gmail.com and visit NRM's website here.

  • Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center

    Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center provides free resources and support for young women and families facing the challenges of unplanned pregnancy.  Interested in serving? Contact Kimberly Gambill at kimberlygambill@bellsouth.net and visit their website by clicking here

  • Cottage cove

    Cottage Cove's vision is to see children and youth equipped and growing into mature adults with the skills and knowledge necessary to rise above their circumstances and not merely survive but rather thrive in life and faith. Their mission is to provide educational opportunities, life skills classes, and training in the arts through the power and in the name of Jesus Christ. Cottage Cove operates year-round at three locations and serves up to 108 children daily, free of charge to their families. If you would like to volunteer at Cottage Cove, please reach out to Brent MacDonald at brent@cottagecove.org or check out their website here


International Mission and Compassion

  • Western Asia - We support the work of a young couple in this area as they seek to evangelize through relationship and their local church.
  • Cambodia - The Farmers are a RBCN family who serving with EMU in Cambodia. Their work includes evangelism, pastoral teaching, and pursuit of church planting.
  • Zambia - We have worked to establish a pastors' college, support church planting efforts, and benevolence to orphans through the "Hope for the Afflicted" ministry. These are being done through the support of local churches in Zambia. We are also in support of Lion of Zambia.
  • Far East - We help support a brother who is very involved with church planting, training of pastors, and evangelism among this needy people. His wife is especially involved with ministries to women and children, seeking to give practical help as well as spiritual guidance. Due to the nature and place of their work, we are not able to give more information here.
  • Philippines - We support children through Christian Compassion Ministries. This is an outreach to street children in the Philippines, giving both practical help (housing, food, clothing, and education) as well as spiritual nurturing.
  • Compassion International - a number of our individual church members also help support children through Compassion International.

Church Planting

  • Our desire is to see churches planted with biblically qualified leadership, a vibrant, Gospel-centered message and a missional mindset.
  • We are currently involved with two works:

Have an idea about how we can make a larger impact on our community or how you can join us in serving in these ways? Let us know by clicking here or connecting with someone at church.  



  • We provide childcare for ages four and under during Sunday School hours (a staffed nursery is not currently offered during the Worship hour). Interested in helping out? Let us know by clicking here or speaking with a deacon! Nursery workers are required to 1) be members in good standing 2) pass a background check and 3) pass a Child Safety Committee interview.   

Youth Sunday School

  • Do you enjoy teaching youth and making curriculum come alive? You might make a great Sunday School teacher. RBC Nashville currently provides Sunday School classes for PreK up to the fifth-grade age range. Sunday School teachers are required to 1) be members in good standing 2) pass a background check and 3) pass a Child Safety Committee interview. Let us know if you’re interested by clicking here, or speaking to an elder. Prospective teachers can find access to onboarding and training materials by clicking here


  • Our hospitality needs range greatly, particularly on Sunday morning. Please let us know if you can partner with us to serve in this way by speaking to an elder/deacon or clicking here.   


  • Is technology your thing? Recording? Sound? Video? Website? Microphones? Amps? Computers? If so, we may have a spot for you on our media team. Please voice your inquiry to a member of our sound team or by clicking here.


  • Gifted with rhythm, nimble fingers or a great voice? Consider helping us worship through music during our Sunday morning gatherings. Candidates for leading musical worship will be vetted for musical proficiency that extends past making a “joyful noise.” Please click here or contact Tracy Zeliadt (see church directory) for more details.   

Guest Services

  • Have a bubbly personality that likes greeting people at the door? Enjoy passing out bulletins? Parking cars for those who are mobility challenged? Identifying first time visitors and making them feel welcome? If so, you might be a great fit in guest services. Click here or contact one of our deacons to learn more.